The Graying Life

My hair started graying when I was in my late 30s. And I fought it tooth and nail - first with the inexpensive, home-dyed coloring, sacrificing a towel now and then, and finally, once I had more money, the regular trip to the salon and the colorist every couple of months. As any mid-life women know, gray hairs are a very tenacious, resistent bunch. Within a couple of weeks of the salon visit, a few grays would start to peak out amidst the colored strands. And yet, I persisted. At that time of my life, I worked in a very youth-oriented field of business - new media, multimedia, interactive media - however one called it, the image was one of youthful energy. In all my time, I cannot recall any women with permanent gray hairs. Men, yes, and unfairly described as being "distinguished".

In the last year, I've started to think seriously about letting my 'natural' highlights shine through. My resistance was waning. First, it was the sheer energy of having to schedule the two-hour salon trips within a busy schedule. Secondly, I began to notice something odd about middle-aged and retirement-aged couples. In a crowd of them, it sticks out like a sore thumb - where you have predominantly greying and/or balding men accompanied by women of the same age cohorts, but wondrously lacking in gray hairs. Clearly, the social pressure on women to provide the illusion of youth touches all generations. Finally, I was walking towards the salon on yet another trip when I noticed a tall, slim woman crossing the street towards me. Her short, curly, salt and peppery hairstyle framed a tanned face with sharp angles. She was clearly a woman in the mid-life stage but her appearance was stylish and attractive. That was the moment when I decided to gradually wean myself from hair coloring.

Admittedly, it hadn't been smooth sailing. There had been a couple of times when the salt & pepper look induced me to head back to the salon for cover, the last one being a little over 3 months ago. But to remain true to my goal of effortless being - to accept the flow of life - I will remain steadfast, and let my natural highlights shine through. Who knows what this process will reveal about myself? I would hope that going gray will not diminish my sense of self, my self-esteem and my confidence as I deal with a youth-obsessed world. I will see in the coming days and months ...


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